09 July 2010


Out of the blues, I noticed a creeper coming out of the grass patch in front of the house.  Funny.. I dont remember planting anything there since the neighbour has practically abandoned his old pajero there.  I just watched the creeper gre longer and longer.  Soon I noticed golden yellow blooms to which a baby pumpkin is attached to.  But after a few days the baby pumpkin rotted.  Hmm..
A few weeks later, I plucked up the courage and asked the neighbour to move his old pajero.. hehe before the pumpkin creeper covers up his jeep.  Then I sat back and watch the pumpkin plant grow.

After a few months, I decided enough is enough, the patch looks like a dump.  So I grabbed a glove and a cutter and started to clear the patch.  I started picking the leaves that can be eaten (masak lomak pon sodap!) and pulling the creeper into a pile.  Underneath all the big leaves, there lay a pumpkin, as big as a baby's head!!  I was so surprised.

So now I have a cleared up garden and a pumpkin.  Hmm..what shall I do with it?  My doter told me to make a pumpkin head (she has been watching too much Martha Ste*ward) but my sister told me to make wedges.  That sounds interesting...