03 July 2011

Sayur Betik

If my friend Melati Tessier in US can cook it, I don't see why I can't. Inspired by the photo she put up in Facebook, I really wanted to cook this dish soon. And luck was on my side, when I saw daun selasih sold at the nearby pasar malam. I don't have green fingers and even when my late mother lovingly planted the pokok selasih in a pot for me to bring back to KL, it would eventually die! So each time I see daun selasih being sold at the pasar malam or mini market, I would grab a bunch. IF I managed to get an unripe papaya, I would make the dish. Otherwise, I love to rub the leaves between my fingers to get the oil out and breathe in the lovely aroma...

I got the daun selasih on friday, yesterday (saturday) I found the papaya at (of all places) MyDin. Didn't have the time to cook it yesterday, so early this morning I got the ingredients and cook the dish... 

Betik masak air with daun selasih and black pepper.

Pounded some onions, ikan bilis and black pepper (red chili - optional). Threw it in a pot of water and leave it to come to a boil. Meanwhile, I started on slicing the papaya (thick slices to ensure that it doesn't break in the boiling water). Threw that into the pot. Remove the selasih leaves from the stem and throw them in the pot too. Matikan api and let the leave layu in the hot water. Season to taste.

I shared the dish with my sister.