Khairin received many pamphlets offering places to continue her studies even while she was in Camp. I preferred not to inform her and up till today, she doesn't know what came in through the post for her.
Bermula dengan "Tawaran Biasiswa Utusan-YPC" bagi program pengajian di Kolej Teknologi YPC-iTWEB yang diterima pada 27-1-2011. Kampus baru yang belum pun di rasmikan lagi, terletak di Taman Maluri, Cheras. Yuran permohonan is RM120. Program yang ditawarkan, memang bukan yang KA minat pun.
Tiga hari selepas itu, KA terima invitation to attend sesi taklimat dan temuduga program diploma kemahiran malaysia. Pra pendaftaran minimum RM450. Tidak disebut pun apa kursus yang ditawarkan. I guess kena attend taklimat baru tahu kot.
1 mac 2011 surat tawaran bersyarat dari Kolej Unikop pulak datang. Kolej Unikop terletak di Batu Caves (mana tu ek?). Sesi pengajian bermula Mei 2011. (Ehh..bukan semua tempat pengajian nak 'streamline' tarikh mula pengajian ke?). Yuran semester pertama RM800 and consecutive semester RM550. Tidak ada kursus yang KA minat.
Segi college, subang jaya pulak offered her diploma in nursing, teknologi makmal perubatan or pendidikan awal kanak-kanak. Yuran pendaftaran RM100. I don't see KA in that line of work.
The next one had us all in stitches. It was a one year tawaran mengikuti latihan sijil kemahiran sebagai JURUKECANTIKAN at Mizumi Beauty Academy. Yuran proses is RM1000. I guess the cosmetics did not come free after all. I hid this from KA. Hahaha..
Segi College invited her (again) for a "Pengambilan Khas Tahun 2011". Yuran pendaftaran varies from RM100-RM350.
Kolej Teknologi Antarabangsa Cybernetics together with UPM, sent in a bundle of brochure. Not much choice of engineering courses.
A letter of "Conditional offer" of admission into KL Infrastructure U/College was next. But I don't think I can afford to put KA into an IPTS. Processing fee (non refundable) saja dah RM50.
This sunday ada sesi taklimat, temuduga dan pendaftaran from Yayasan Pelajaran Johor.. program bersama UiTM and UTM. Bukan nak sombong, tapi dia offer diploma levels saja. Hmm.. Pra pendaftaran is RM300.
After getting advice from her brothers, we leave the offer letters in the file..
31 March 2011
Khairin & tawaran2
Posted by irenewynn at 19:23 0 comments
Labels: khairin
30 March 2011
Latest from Nursery Schools
Thank God .... A is still Apple
Posted by irenewynn at 15:57 0 comments
Words of Wisdom (II)
** Politicians and diapers have one thing in common. They should both be changed regularly and for the same reason (they are full of shit !).
** An optimist thinks that this is the best possible world. A pessimist fears that this is true.
** There will always be death and taxes; however, death doesn't get worse every year.
Posted by irenewynn at 09:45 0 comments
Labels: others
29 March 2011
Quya-Quyi..meh tolong ajar Kero masak..
Posted by irenewynn at 21:47 0 comments
Mya Humayra binti Mohammad Hatta
My nephew "Foursquare-ed" his presence at PPUM-Wad bersalin in the wee hours (3.10am to be exact) of 26 March 2011. By 8.01am, he reported a 2cm opening. It looks like its gonna be a long wait, as most first born are likely to be.
We are all anxiously waiting for the first grandchild for my elder sister. Baby was due on Monday 21st March but looks like she wants to wait for grandma and grandpa to come back from Umrah! Pandai baby! But when my sister arrived safely from Umrah, little one still shows no indication for coming out.
Angah has already flown in from Sabah and his leave is already coming to an end. Baby has better make a move or mummy might end up being C-sec! Tension rose as time goes by. Baby's daddy sempat complain about the bad condition of the toilets and beds.
Quote: "hampeh...toilet kat dlm ward rosak.nk lift kepale katil kne tenage 2org (katil lame),doktor on call ntah kemane, mintak plastik utk muntah pun tada"
"haha..bab doc oncall leh tolerate ah.byk ward die cooperation ble die bab toilet rosak, xleh tolerate.ksian patient weh.jln jauh g toilet lain"
Sabar je lah Angah. Hospital tengah undergo renovation. Bila dah siap mesti takde masaalah tu semua.
That night, Angah's wife moved into the labour room. day in hospital already. Early the next morning I called Angah for the latest news. Manalah tahu kot I miss the good news in my deep sleep. Nope..still not made an appearance. After more than 10 hours in the labour room, I think the hospital was ready to name the room after Wati..hahaha.
Finally, the long awaited news came in at 11.00am, baby girl was born to the proud parents Muhammad Hatta and Zulawati.
Only today did they announce baby's name.. MYA HUMAYRA.
Fatin kata: "Baby, baby tido"
Posted by irenewynn at 11:54 0 comments
Labels: others
26 March 2011
25-3-2011... Ziarah n Sekinchan ikan Bakar
Had been planning to visit my friends in Hulu Langat, but had to wait for Faizal to be on leave so that I ada teman. Faizal was well known in the housing area I used to live in.
First stop was the cake house. Got some cheesecake as buah tangan. Not a well known shop like Secret but the cheese cake here is still the melt-in-my-mouth kind. Faizal grabbed some buns for him and Faiz. Khairin couldn't tag along as she was working.
Arrived at Kak Yam's house. She greeted us and asked us in. I asked about Uwan (Kak Yam's mother) and she said, "you tak tahu ke? Uwan passed away on wednesday. I thought you know, hence the visit!". Oh dear, it seems that we were 3 days late. Uwan was a heavy smoker and only stopped smoking a few years back. The clogged up lungs couldn't hold up anymore.
Anyway, caught up with news around there. Whose kids have married. Who has granchildren now.. that sort of thing. Shocking news was, a friend of the same age has just recovered from a mild stroke. Gagaga..
Next we went to Puan R's house. I still call her Puan R, not kak.. Hehe.. She was working with the same company but she opt out due to her bad health. I used to pool rides with her since I didn't know how to drive then. Puan R suffers from rheumatoid athritis. In those days, she could hardly grasp the steering wheel or make sharp turns. Her fingers would swell up after steroid treatments at the hospital. Relief was only temporary and she had to make regular visits to the hospital. It was alright when all medical bills were covered by the company but when she quit, she decided to go for cheaper alternative treatments. Detoxing took some time and she lost alot of weight too. It got quite bad and soon she could hardly walk anymore. Then, it got worse when she too got a mild stroke and had to be admitted to hospital. Now she is bedridden. Hands and feet look like gnarled bits of tree branches. She has to start therapy soon. She has to sleep with some contraption strapped to her hands in an effort to straighten them. But her mind is still alive and active and she was chatting animatedly. I just sat there rubbing her arms and let her talk.
But, I had to run back as I had to fetch Khairin back from the shop, so we took leave.
Took a short rest and we were off to the much hyped Sekinchan Ikan Bakar. I saw where the Bangi branch is, on my way to Kajang the other day and after reading about it in the papers as well as watching JJCM (Jalan jalan cari makan), I decided to test out the food. If it any better, I dont need to go all the way to Melaka or JB for my ikan bakar fix.
Parking is a challenge as "downtown" is close by. Downtown is the equivalent of a flea market and it is only open at night into the early morning. After going around 3 times, I managed to squeeze into a spot near a hydrant. Strange that a car was parked in the parking lot in front of the hydrant. Isnt that illegal? There was very strong winds and I was afraid it was going to rain, so I made Faiz move the car nearer to the shop, while I stood guard in the new spot! (aci tak...bole main booking parking spot! Hahaha..)
We walked into the shop at the right time as there was still many empty tables. Sat down and was presented with a menu. The eager waiter helped with the order. Not much choices in the drinks department, I thought. They have the normal size, to the Super and up to the Super Duper sized glasses. Super being tankard size and super duper, the jug size. We were informed that only the Ulam and chicken soup was available. Belum apa2, banyak dah tak ada! So there is no kailan ikan masin or kangkung goreng belacan that we normally order with our ikan bakar. Hmm..said I wanted the nasi lemak WITH the ikan bakar. I also ordered some keropok to munch while waiting for the 'actual' food to arrive. I went to select the fish.
They were out of lala, and I am afraid to order the clams, so I chose a sotong (adalah panjang sejengkal) but it was so limp, that suddenly I understand why effeminated people are nicknamed 'sotong'. I dont take ikan pari anymore and I dislike ikan kembong (or ikan temenong as the northerners call them), so I avoided that too. We ended up selecting an ikan siakap and an ikan grot(?). Never had grot before! Never heard of it either! So off the fishes and sotong went, into the kitchen to be prepared and grilled. They only have grilled seafood, not cooked any other way. (Read: no crispy sotong salut tepung, no ikan 3 rasa, no sweet sour!). Their speciality being in the sauce they use to coat the fish before grilling.
Went back to the table and the keropok was already there. Keropok is nice (tak gatal bila di makan) but they gave the 'normal' chili sauce from the bottle. Laaa...they should at least provide the 'real' keropok sauce (of the east coast kind). The drinks came, and since I ordered laici kurang manis, it was just right.
And so the waiting started... People started coming in by the droves and soon all tables were taken up. The place was so very crowded. Hardly any space to move. A big family sat next to our table, and they ordered the nasi, NOT together with the fish. So the nasi was long gone and the fish hadn't arrive yet! They had to order more rice when the fish finally arrive later on.
Waaa...soon it was like sitting in the fish market. It was so so noisy. Kids running around in the already sesak shop. Babies wailing away. Irritated kids making alot of noise. Food still hasn't reached the table! My kids were happy with the free wifi.
When it finally arrived..hmm..the nasi lemak is minuscule but they charge rm2.50. What comes in mind was Farid Kamil saying "nasi lemak 50sen" in the movie cuti-cuti cinta. Gamaknyer, ini lah size yang di maksudkan!! The limp sotong translated into shrunken size sotong rings! Rather rubbery. The ikan grot was tasteless even with the much touted sambal. Only the ikan siakap came out tops. They forgot to give us the dips and we had to ask from the busy busy waiters. There was kicap and lada potong, sambal belacan (watery version) and air asam.
Finished the food quickly as we saw many people hovering around waiting for empty tables. Quite an uncomfortable feeling, having people watching you eat.
All that dented my pocket to the amount of RM96.20. They do take cards there.
The limp sotong cost RM10.00,
both the fishes was RM66.50 i.e. RM70 per kg (mahal kan?)
the nasi lemak was RM10.00 (RM2.50 each)
keropok was RM3.00 /basket
drinks totaled RM6.70 for laicy (sic!) ais, barli ais, horlick ais and teh 'o' ais.
Looks like I still have to go to malacca for ikan bakar. The sotong bakar and siakap bakar at Ayong in JB (Kg.Mohd Amin) is way way wayyyyy lagi sedap. The sambal, tastier and spicier there too.
Posted by irenewynn at 12:53 0 comments
24 March 2011
24-3-2011 - what I did today
Posted by irenewynn at 20:22 2 comments
Labels: others
SPM is out..
It is finally the DAY to get her SPM results, but Khairin relax jer. She took the day off work and so after our usual breakfast at Mamak Fariz Maju, I sent Khairin off to school. Dropped her in front of school, and saw her friends in matching baju kurungs! Huh ada uniform ke? My doter was in her usual jeans and long blouse..comfort clothes.
I went home as I knew the kids wants to let their hair down when they get their results. And so the waiting begins..
In the Hall, the kids from 5 Amanah didn't know where to head since their class teacher had been transferred out. In the end, they were the last to get their results...tension budak2 nie. Hahaha.. Iye lah tengok orang lain dah terjerit2, dah menangis (nie budak pompuan lah!) berpeluk2an bagai.
Then baru lah another teacher walked in with their results. Upon getting the slip, the first thing she looked for was her Add Maths results (ada kes lah ni!)..whoaaa hoaaaaa... she got A+ for Add Maths. Caya lah babe! She cried. She also cried because she got B for Sejarah. Hahaha..sepanjang form 4 and 5, dok dapat G saje untuk sejarah. (Read: G=Gagal). She cried because the results was beyond expectations. Alhamdulillah..
So all in all, this was what she got..
A+ = mathematics and additional mathematics
A = engineering drawings , physics , bahasa melayu and english language
B+ = pendidikan agama islam and chemistry
B = SEJARAH and engineering technology
This is extracted from Khairin's blog
saya carik cikgu HANIPAH , takde sorok2 dah ,
h ; baguslah , belanja saya dua pizza
k ; kenapa lak ?
h ; sbb saya ajar awak dulu , kalau tak awak tak dapat A+
k ; (sakit hati) papepun terima kasih jela , cikgu tuduh2 saya dulu mcm2 apela sangat kan .
h ; eh saya tuduh2 awak tula upkan lagi semangat awak nak dapat A+
k ; (wthhhhhhh) saya down kot tym tu cikgu !
and i walk away babaiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ! Oh ya , before i went to meet the teacher, i texted my mom , then she called me
"HAAA very good my dear, padan muka cikgu tu hahahahhaa"
Next step..what to do.. matriculation or diploma (definitely not STPM). Which line..interest vs strong points vs marketability. Ar? Sr? Ir?
Posted by irenewynn at 12:58 0 comments
Labels: khairin
21 March 2011
Words of Wisdom.. (I)
** Love is grand; Divorce is a hundred grand.
** I am in shape. Round is a shape.
** Time may be a great healer, but it's a lousy beautician.
** Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the ark, professionals built the Titanic.
** Conscience is what hurts when everything else feels so good.
Posted by irenewynn at 22:16 0 comments
Labels: others
20 March 2011
Oh yes, Paris was there again. And this time, the strand of hair was tucked behind his ear and not falling over his eye (and my food, probably). After the last visit, I did put in an informal complaint and the feed back was that, I wasnt the only person complaining about it. Actually I was reluctant to complain because I noticed that he was elected "Crew of the month" for the month of January. He must be a good worker, only the hair was 'out of place'.
Posted by irenewynn at 22:43 0 comments
15 March 2011
Sharing: Should I really join Facebook (Priceless)
That was before one of my grandkids hooked me up for Tweeter, Tweetree, Twhirl, Twitterfon, Tweetie and Twittererific Tweetdeck, Twitpix and something that sends every message to my cell phone and every other program within the texting world.
My phone was beeping every three minutes with the details of everything except the bowel movements of the entire next generation. I am not ready to live like this so I keep my cell phone in the garage in my golf bag.
The kids bought me a GPS for my last birthday because they say I get lost every now and then going over to the grocery store or library. I keep that in a box under my tool bench with the Blue tooth [it's red] phone I am supposed to use when I drive. I wore it once and was standing in line at Barnes and Noble talking to my wife and everyone in the nearest 50 yards was glaring at me. I had to take my hearing aid out to use it, and I got a little loud.
I mean the GPS looked pretty smart on my dash board, but the lady inside that gadget was the most annoying, rudest person I had run into in a long time. Every 10 minutes, she would sarcastically say, "Re-calc-u-lating." You would think that she could be nicer. It was like she could barely tolerate me. She would let go with a deep sigh and then tell me to make a U-turn at the next light. Then if I made a right turn instead... Well, it was not a good relationship.
When I get really lost now, I call my wife and tell her the name of the cross streets and while she is starting to develop the same tone as Gypsy, the GPS lady, at least she loves me.
To be perfectly frank, I am still trying to learn how to use the cordless phones in our house. We have had them for 4 years, but I still haven't figured out how I can lose three phones all at once and have to run around digging under chair cushions and checking bathrooms and the dirty laundry baskets when the phone rings.
The world is just getting too complex for me. They even mess me up every time I go to the grocery store. You would think they could settle on something themselves but this sudden "Paper or Plastic?" every time I check out just knocks me for a loop. I bought some of those cloth reusable bags to avoid looking confused, but I never remember to take them in with me.
Now I toss it back to them. When they ask me, "Paper or Plastic?" I just say, "Doesn't matter to me. I am bi-sacksual." Then it's their turn to stare at me with a blank look. I was recently asked if I tweet. I answered, No, but I do toot a lot."
Posted by irenewynn at 16:10 0 comments
Labels: others
12 March 2011
The Scrooge
Posted by irenewynn at 15:55 2 comments
Labels: azri
11 March 2011
A bit of cheer on an otherwise gloomy rainy day
Posted by irenewynn at 13:16 1 comments
Labels: others
10 March 2011
Khairin @ PLKN
Posted by irenewynn at 00:12 0 comments
Labels: PLKN
09 March 2011
Pesanan Buat Anak-anak Lelaki ku.. ~ dari blog KakcikNurseroja
Bila suatu hari nanti kamu beristeri
Ingatlah bahawa isterimu bukan abdi
Padanya kasih wajib kau beri
Nafkah zahir dan batin jangan sesekali kau pandang sepi
Walau telah banyak wang kau keluarkan
Isterimu sama sekali bukan hamba tebusan
Bila langkah tidak seiringan
Bukan bermakna kau harus mencari persimpangan
Isterimu mungkin bukan pilihan hati
Tapi dia jodohmu yang ditentukan Ilahi
Belajarlah untuk saling mencintai
Bukan kesalahan yang sengaja dicari-cari
Kalau dia memang yang kau pilih
Janganlah suatu hari nanti kau mula berdalih-dalih
Rawatlah segala luka dan pedih
Mekarkan kasih sehingga pulih
Bila sudah hidup bersama
Kongsikan segala suka dan duka
Jalankan tanggungjawab besama-sama
Bukan hanya tahu mengarah sahaja
Kalau kalian sama bekerja
Jangan kau cuba menjadi raja
Bantulah tugasan di rumah sepenuh rela
Agar isterimu boleh merawat dirinya
Jangan nanti kau mencebik-cebik
Kononnya isterimu tidak lagi cantik
Sedang penatnya tak pernah kau telek
Hanya yang kau tahu memekik-mekik....
Ingatlah isteri itu amanah Allah swt pada mu..
Posted by irenewynn at 21:02 0 comments
Labels: others
08 March 2011
Fatin And I ~ Das Auto
Mama Fatin cerita.. Fatin tahu apa kereta semua orang pakai. Oma nak testing.
Oma: Ayah pakai kereta apa?
Fatin: Alza
Oma: Mama pakai kereta apa?
Fatin: Kancil
Oma: Nenek pakai kereta apa?
Fatin: Wira
Oma: Oma pakai kereta apa?
Fatin: MyVi
Oma: Fatin nak pakai kereta apa?
Fatin: Das Auto..
Cayaaaa lah Fatin..
Posted by irenewynn at 22:47 1 comments
Labels: Fatin
07 March 2011
New Toy
Posted by irenewynn at 21:47 0 comments
Labels: others
Fatin And I ~ Download
Bersembang dalam kereta semasa hendak ke MyDin.
Cerita berkenaan Fatin's favorite cartoon.
Rupa2nya dia gemar SpongeBob (dia sebut PonchBob)
dan WonderPets versi melayu (apa yang penting? kerjasamaa..)
Oma menanya: What about other cartoons.
Mama: Hmm.. nasib baik dia tak minat Teletubbies.
Ayah: Limited vocab..
Oma: Sekarang takde dah kot..
Fatin: Download Ayah..
Fatin: Torrents
Semua dalam kereta gelak besar.
Nah amek kau.. anak alaf baru.
Kalau dulu anak2 Oma akan meminta belikan CD
(atau masa anak sulung dulu- beli tapes),
cucu Oma mintak ayah dia download je..
Rupa2nya Uncle Faiz yang dok cucuk Fatin..
Posted by irenewynn at 15:38 0 comments
Labels: Fatin
06 March 2011
Fatin and I ~ Hutang
Fatin mendongak memandang muka O'ma.
O'ma: Apa tengok2?
Fatin: Hah?
O'ma: Ada hutang ke?
Fatin: Takde
Hahaha.. Fatin, Fatin...
Spontan je jawapan dia.
Posted by irenewynn at 17:02 0 comments
Labels: Fatin
05 March 2011
Azri dan TN*B
Hahahahahahahahahaha.. Azri, Azri.. ada2 aje ko nie.
Posted by irenewynn at 17:55 0 comments
Labels: azri
Fatin and I ~ along ilang
(in a high pitch voice)
O'ma: Hah? Tanglung hilang?
Fatin: Alor ilang
(points to top of cupboard)
O'ma looks and saw.... JALUR GEMILANG..
Haish cucu haku nie.
Posted by irenewynn at 16:42 0 comments
Labels: Fatin
04 March 2011
Dinner di mana?

Posted by irenewynn at 23:00 0 comments
Labels: Makan
01 March 2011
Sharing : A Story of Appreciation
Posted by irenewynn at 21:17 0 comments
Labels: others